The Mommyhood Journey

I help you find the patience, the right diet, and an exercise routine that fits into your “OMG I’m a Mom” lifestyle.

Let’s Talk About Your Baby Bump

Mazel Tov! You made it. All that hard work and baby making practice sessions have paid off and you are blessed with a beautiful being growing inside of you.

At the same time, you might be saying OMG I’M PREGNANT! WTF do we do now??

I know I did.

Even after trying for so long once it happened it can truly turn your life around…bringing a TON of questions, concerns and the need to upgrade your lifestyle.

Proper nutrition, stress management, the right exercise routine, supplementation and self love are more important now then ever.

Even as a L.E.A.N. certified prenatal coach and a certified nutrition coach I found myself asking:

  • Is it ok to eat this or this?
  • Am I putting on too much weight?
  • Can I still take x supplement?
  • Is everyone’s cravings this out of control?
  • Is anything ever going to fit me again?
  • Will my hormones ever chill or will I be this moody forever?

Rest assured, what you are experiencing is normal and in the positive pregnancy program we cover everything you need to know about proper nutrition, lifestyle and a slew of other things “I wish someone told me!” or “I was afraid to ask” because we know that love and support is key to keeping you healthy during each changing trimester.

Let’s Talk About After You Have The Baby

The number one thing I hear from new mamas is that they cannot wait to get their post baby body back. Well, I tell you this out of pure love…Your body isn’t going back and neither are you.

Your body and life is moving forward and its OK. Shit, it is more than OK. It is beautiful.


Post baby is the perfect time to reflect on all that your body has just been through and created. The mama in you can be even more beautiful, fit, nourished and desired than before.

It takes time for your body, and especially your tummy, to fully recover from the magic of pregnancy. Things have moved around, stretched and grew to make that happen.

There are lots of things you can do to get into shape again, but it’s really important to give yourself a break, find a lifestyle that is right for the your post baby body.

You know what I say we have to LOVE our bodies now even while trying to lose the weight. Add on navigating this whole new mommy thing (pumping and no sleep-eek!) and patience and self love becomes the key.


1. Nutrition requirements for a healthy pregnancy – at every stage.

2. Changes to your body that can be boosted with specific vitamins and minerals.

3. High-risk foods to avoid and healthy alternatives.

4. How to manage food cravings and aversions.

5. Your best exercise plans during pregnancy.

6. How to best handle your fears, concerns and questions.

7. Common first trimester issues, such as low energy, nausea, food cravings, hunger and appetite issues, and food aversions.

8. Common second trimester issues, such as return of energy, weight gain, changes to hunger and appetite, preventing or managing gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, food cravings or aversions, new food ideas.

9. Common third trimester issues, such as additional weight gain, changes to exercise, managing hunger and appetite, and weight gain.

10. Common post-natal issues, such as adequate nutrition for breastfeeding, patience with weight loss, monitoring weight loss safely, and resuming exercise once physician approved.